Magnet Wall Water Play

With spring days upon us, we have been eager to help water the plants and play with the sprinkler. But who are we kidding, no matter the season we always love water play. In the backyard, we just got a new water kit that pairs with the magnet wall! When first introduced to this, we were confused how the pieces connected and what the tubes were for, but with further exploration we found that they could be a firehouse, or even a gardening hose! We had to make sure that our plants were taken care of for the day and decided what a fun way to water them. We also quickly learned that teamwork is helpful for this activity because multiple hands are needed in order to make sure the hose goes where we want it to. It was fun seeing what different things we could use to transfer the water from the bucket to the wall. We tried cones, the funnels, plastic cups, but our favorite was the watering cans. We had to explore with different heights while pouring, we were resourceful and used a nearby stump. This activity allows the kids to gain awareness of gravity, force, and speed. It also promotes cooperation and communication between everyone. With more warm days on the horizon, our exploration with this water play has just begun.