November 9, 2020
On our previous trip to Glen Canyon Park, the children spent the majority of their time playing and fishing alongside a cool, damp creek, where they found several banana slugs crawling freely in the dirt. This time around, they decided to explore and hike along one of the trails. Along the way, they climbed trees and logs of all shapes and sizes and even tried their hand at rock climbing! Below are some brief anecdotes and pictures documenting some of what they got up to.
Wilder: “We’re driving a pirate ship. There are two captains. The pink sparkles are the controls. I have a paddle in case the motor stops.”
Xavi: “I’m rowing in the back.”
Dominic: “Can you help me Jaxon?”
Jaxon: “Yeah! We’ll have to carry carefully and use two hands.”
Dominic: “I climbed a unicorn! That was a good climb.”
November 12, 2020
While exploring Golden Gate Park, the children stumbled upon a long, fallen tree which they pretended was a bridge. They were fascinated by its thick roots and trunk and some friends, like Dylan and Wilder, tried to climb on it to cross over to the other side and creep under it. The children also spotted some horses, something that Maggie had been looking forward to in almost all of our adventures!
The Fallen Tree “Bridge”
Xavi: “Look a tunnel!”
Wilder: “I think you can fit.”
Dylan successfully climbs through.
Elias to Sage: “You want to find ladybugs?”
Sage: “Yeah!”
And off they went in search of ladybugs on the ground!
November 19, 2020
Before meeting up with Charity for music class, the children returned to the “bakery” tree at Golden Gate Park and continued their efforts in climbing and bug hunting, engaging in a variety of imaginative play episodes in the midst of it all. Below are some anecdotes and pictures documenting their play.
Sage: “This is my wooden train. Would you like to hop on?”
Georgina: “This is a wooden giraffe.”
Dylan: “I’m looking for things for a bow and arrow.”
Dylan: “Alice, look! A bug!. It’s a centipede. It’s the biggest centipede I’ve ever seen on a log. Got my tools! Yup! Booyah!”
Ollie: “A rolls polly! It’s a live one!”
Tadhg: “Can you make me a fishing pole?”
Eila: “You can make one. I used a stick and put this leaf on it!”
Tadhg (looking on the ground): “I found some too!”(To Teacher Becca): “Can you make it?”
Teacher Becca: “I think you can! Did you hear Eila’s instructions?”
Tadhg: “Yes, I can do it.”
Tadhg (after working for a couple minutes): “I did it! Look! I made it too!”
Eila: “Wow, good work Tadhg!”
Sage: “Teacher Becca, I’m trying to pick up this tree.”
Teacher Becca: “Wow, how is that going?”
Sage: “Well it’s not moving. I think it’s too big. Or maybe my stick is not strong enough. It’s bending. I think the tree is stuck in the ground.”
Eila: “I eated a fish from the ocean.”