September 19th-29th Happenings!

Drama Play

We have been role playing doctor a lot recently, which inspired us to turn the dramatic play area into a doctor’s office! We really liked giving our friends check-ups. We really enjoyed listening to our friends’ heartbeats and breathing with the stethoscopes. We also measured each other’s blood pressure to made sure it was normal. Occasionally, our friends would come into the office with injuries that required an x-ray scan. When this happens, we try to help them feel better by applying a bandage, and offering medicine. We loved dressing up in the white coats and glasses! We cared for many patients, including the babies and animals! If there was an emergency, we used a walkie-talkie, cell phone, or pager to get a doctor! We also loved using them to talk to our friends and family.

Block Area

We loved building high towers and spaceships in the block area! We also built different types of trucks, including a steamroller, dump truck, and backhoe. We really liked building a long road for these trucks to travel all around the world; these trucks visited many places, including London! It’s always fun when we sing the dump truck song, as we drive down the road; our favorite part is dumping everything out together! There were also times we turned blocks into telephones to give each other a call at the doctor’s office! We enjoyed playing in the doll house and filling it with people and furniture. We came up with lots of interesting stories about the people and their families.

Quiet Area

We continue to read a lot of books throughout the day! Some of our favorites include, “What Do People Do All Day,” and “There are Dinosaurs in my School” We loved learning about the different jobs people do and it always reminded us that our moms and dads are also hard at work while we’re at school! We really enjoy finding the hidden objects in books that you would only see if you studied closely. 


Nature Area

We really enjoy looking at the different types of shells! We like comparing the shapes, sizes and textures each shell has. We also listened to the different sounds each shell produces, as we kept it close to our ears. We also love looking into the fish tank and wondering what the fish do throughout the day! We often look at the different animals in the view finders and like showing them to all of our friends. We have been talking about the different slides as we flip through and how they work. 


Art & Literacy

In the art area, we used stickers and markers to create lots of different creations. We made barns, houses, and spaceships. There were days we used stampers as well as paint too. We also really love the play dough and all the different tools. We made lots of different shapes- especially loving the heart, circle and animals. We shared lots of cakes and pizzas with our friends and helped each other "cook" our creations.

Gross Motor

Playing and singing monkeys jumping on the bed is one of our favorite things to do! We always invite friends to jump together, so there are more monkeys! There were times we jumped really fast, so we held onto each other’s hands. We have been pretending there are lots of monsters and big bad wolves in the classroom and we love running together from them. We happily run from one end of the room to the other over and over. We also take turns riding the rocking horse and try to get it going as fast as we can! 

Music Area

In the music area, we love playing the pianos! We experimented with many different objects seeing what sounded different. We often played the egg shakers alongside the pianos to add a different beat. We have been using the scarves a lot for many different things. We dance with them, but also have made them into capes, dresses, blankets, and ghost covers!  



Cognitive Area

We really enjoyed figuring out how to put the puzzles together. There were times the puzzles got really hard, but we did not give up! We would think and keep working hard. We sometimes would ask our friends to help us and would work together to get it finished. We also loved the abacus'- spinning the pieces, counting them, and finding the different letters from our names, as well as what object it represents.


With the nice sunny weather, we really liked going on adventures to the park! We climbed rope towers, rode on swings, and went on tall slides! We loved walking together on the rope and looking at all the different houses and plants. We watched the waves down at the ocean and looked for street cleaners going by. We also really liked going in the backyard and playing “catch.” We would catch our friends and tickle them! We always made sure to get a water break after the game. We also cooked many different types of soups outside, including: tomato, corn, banana, and celery soup! After cooking, we made sure to tell our friends to blow before eating because it was hot! We also baked cakes and mac’n’cheese in the sand area, and made lots of castles. We really liked watching helicopters and airplanes fly by our school while we played and often climbed to the top of the structure to get a better view. Our favorite part is when they leave a trail behind! This inspired us to play airport on our structure! We had pilots and passengers! We also had mailmen that would deliver surprise packages to friends. We built many block structures, especially garages for our dump trucks. The swing and slides continue to get plenty of use, and we love practicing riding the tricycles.